Greirat do
Assentamento dos Mortos-vivos

General Info
Health Souls Location Drops
???? 1000 High Wall of Lothric Greirat's Ashes
Bandit's Knife

Greirat of the Undead Settlement is a NPC in Dark Souls 3. Greirat will occasionally ask if he can go and "steal" items for you that he will then sell.


Greirat's Information



  • Initially locked in a cell, below the Tower on the Wall bonfire in High Wall of Lothric. You can find the Cell Key inside of the workshop below the Pus of Man which erupts on the rooftop. After heading down the ladder and defeating the Lothric Knight, follow the stairs at the end of the hall down to the base floor. Several Starved Hounds and Hollow Soldiers will be patrolling the area. The key is located at the back wall, down a flight of stairs which leads to a Starved Hound and eventual dead end.
  • After accepting his request he appears at the Firelink Shrine as a vendor, asking you to remember about his request when talked to.
  • You can find Loretta's Bone past the Undead Settlement bonfire. It is on a corpse hanging from the balcony of the first house the player will enter, overlooking a congregation in front of a burning tree.
  • After delivering Loretta's Bone, he will tell the player to keep the ring, but other than that will not react. Once the world is reset, however, he will be in a curled up position and will give the player the Curl Up gesture, while remaining unresponsive. Once the player leaves and enters Firelink Shrine once more, he will ask for permission to scavenge for more items. He will return following the next boss kill and can return as early as after Curse-Rotted Greatwood.


Greirat's Questline

Summary :

  1. Rescuing Greirat
  2. Delivering Loretta's Bone
  3. Greirat's first outing (to the Undead Settlement)
  4. Greirat's second outing (to Irithyll, where he will die unless his rescue by either Patches or Siegward is ensured)
  5. Greirat's third outing (to Lothric Castle, where he will die regardless of the player's actions)

1. Rescuing Greirat :

  1. From the High Wall of Lothric's Tower on the Wall bonfire, head down to the dark room with the broken floor and exit through the door on the right. Cross the rooftops where you encounter the Pus of Man, climb down the ladder on the right, and enter the building below.
  2. After dealing with the spear-wielding Lothric Knight, head all the way down to a room guarded by dogs and Great Axe wielding hollows.  Behind black powder barrels is a semi-hidden staircase where you can find the key to Greirat's cell.
  3. From the Tower on the Wall bonfire, head down one floor, and follow the hallway that is inside the tower.  You will eventually run into Greirat's cell.
  4. Unlock the cell and speak to Greirat. Accept his help.

2. Helping Greirat with Loretta :

  1. Talk to Greirat in Firelink Shrine, and he will speak to you about Loretta.
  2. From the Undead Settlement Bonfire, second after the Vordt of the Boreal Valley boss fight, you will immediately find a building that is dark inside.
  3. On the balcony, you will see a a corpse with loot on it.  Attack it to make it fall, and you will find Loretta's bone.
  4. Give Greirat Loretta's bone.

3. Greirat's First Outing (Undead Settlement):

You must visit the Undead Settlement after sending Greirat on his first mission to trigger him to leave the Firelink Shrine for the first time. If you are having trouble getting Greirat to leave Firelink, try warping to the Dilapitated Bridge bonfire, cross the bridge and make your way through the ruins to the Road of Sacrifices.

4. Greirat's Second Outing (Irithyll Dungeon):

Saved by Siegward :

  • If the player has saved Seigward from the well and not killed the Old Demon King it is easiest to send Greirat into Irithyll, check that he is gone from firelink, and then kill the Old Demon King. Greirat will be back in firelink and you will not have even had to go past the Central Irithyll bonfire.
  • To trigger his second scavenging quest, cross the bridge between the Catacombs and the Boreal Valley.
  • Send Greirat on his second outing - Before killing Pontiff Sulyvahn, after Greirat has returned from his first outing, which is giving Greirat Loretta's bone.
  • Get Siegward in Place - 1. Before the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight, even after lighting the Church of Yorshka and Distant Manor bonfires.   2. Which must be after speaking to Siegward at the fireplace just above the sewers in Irithyll 3. Siegward must be given his Caterina armor, (See Siegward's questline) near the Cleansing Chapel bonfire. 3. Which is after helping Siegward kill the fire demon, just before the Road of Sacrifices bonfire.
  • Bug / Glitch : NG+ Remove Caterina set from your inventory to avoid glitches.  Patches' spawn points above Firelink Shrine can be problematic, and /or he may not rescue Greirat on his own.  Perhaps - In this case, give your armor set to Siegward and do NOT purchase the Catarina Set from Patches until Greirat is rescued.

Or, Saved by Patches :

  • You must send Greirat out to Irithyll and inform Patches of his destination before you defeat Pontiff Sulyvahn or he will cease to ask.
  • Of course, if you buy the Catarina Set, Patches won't have a disguise to rescue Greirat, dooming him.

Second Outing Failure Conditions :

  • On failure, Greirat's corpse and ashes will be in the sewer area underneath the kitch in Irithyll.
  • Patches will not rescue Greirat - even if you send Greirat on his second outing after the Yorm the Giant boss fight, and Siegward has died.
  • Do NOT kill Alva the Spurned, who invades when embered - just before the Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire.
  • Do not proceed within Irithyll Dungeon.  It has been reported that you may light that bonfire, if perhaps Alva the Spurned has not been killed.
  • Bug / Glitch : Remove Siegward's armor from your inventory before finding Siegward in the well, or encountering Patches in the Cathedral.  If Patches' spawn at the Cathedral of the Deep or Firelink Shrine are bugged and you can't purchase Siegward's armor - it might be possible to give Siegward the armor that you have.  If this succeeds, it has been reported that buying the armor again from Patches might fail the quest.
  • Unnecessary : It is certainly unnecessary to drink the Estus Soup next to Siegward when he is at the fireplace.  It may perhaps be a requirement to NOT drink it, somehow helping Greirat to survive.

Tried and Failed :

  • [UNCONFIRMED] As a fail safe, be sure to clear out the Sewer Centipede before proceeding to defeat Sulyvahn. Note : If Alva the Spurned has been killed, this does not seem to matter.

Player notes:

  • I gave Siegward his armour before doing the Catacombs and sent Greirat to pillage once I had lit the Central Irithyll bonfire. I then beat the Old Demon King and found Greirat safe at Firelink. (CONFIRMED)
  • I sent Greirat out for pillage in Irithyll after defeating Pontiff, then killed the fire demon with Siegward and opened the main door to trigger the well location. Went back to buy his farmor for the quest line and Patches still asked about Greirat's whereabouts.

5. Greirat's Third Outing (Lothric Castle) :

 Third Outing Tried and Failed :

  • Killed Yoel of Londor upon meeting, Leonhard, Londor Pale Shade invasions, and Yellowfinger Heysel.
  • Killed Patches in firelink shrine, given that he goes "hollow" in the Ringed City - and might kill Greirat.
  • Waited until after Twin Princes boss fight to send Greirat, still failed.

Player Notes :

He will request to leave for a third time to Lothric Castle. He will die if he goes; there is no known way to save him. Patches will ask where Greirat went, but this only causes Patches to disappear for a time. Patches will return later and add one Hidden Blessing to his shop inventory, while failing to save Greirat.

Greirat's Ashes can be found on the roof at the Grand Archives, after jumping down where you see a group of Corvians. Giving Greirat's Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid will allow her to sell Exploding and Splintering Bolts, along with every other item he used to sell. Additionally, items which were sold by both NPCs (like Firebombs) are overwritten by Greirat's lower prices (50 souls for a Firebomb, instead of 100).

Greirat's Ashes will only unlock the wares that he was selling before he died.
Killing Greirat while both Patches and Greirat are in Firelink Shrine will make Patches hostile toward you.


Implications of Killing the Dancer Early to the Questline

  • If you choose to defeat the dancer at any time before defeating Aldrich and Yhorm, this will not change the progression of the questline.
  • Greirat will only travel to the Undead Settlement after been given Loretta's bone and talking/refreshing Firelink past the "curl up" stage.
  • He will only travel to Irithyll once he has returned from the Undead Settlement and you have crossed the bridge, walked through the barrier, and lit the central Irithyll bonfire. If you go through Lothric castle before this, it will make no difference and he will not ask if he can go and pillage there.
  • Once you have sent him to Irithyll (and have Siegward or Patches save him) and he successfully returns (typically by defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn) , if you have gone through Lothric Castle, he will immediately ask to pillage there.
  • It is best not to send him to pillage Lothric Castle until you have kill Aldrich and Yhorm, or you will not be able to enter the Grand Archives to retrieve his ashes. If you tell him no, he will not ask again, but there is a menu choice to send him there whenever you see fit.




Items Sold

Item Quantity Souls
Immediately Available
Ember 3 2000
Bloodred Moss Clump 500
Throwing Knife 20
Firebomb 50
Rope Firebomb 50
Bandit's Knife 1500
Long Sword 1000
Bastard Sword 3000
Mace 600
Spear 600
Light Crossbow 1000
Buckler 2000
Elkhorn Round Shield 1500
Round Shield 1000
Kite Shield 4000
Standard Helm 1500
Hard Leather Armor 2500
Hard Leather Gauntlets 1000
Hard Leather Boots 1000
Thief Mask 400
Standard Arrow 10
Fire Arrow 100
Standard Bolt 30
After sending him to pillage Undead Settlement
Ember 4 2000
Divine Blessing 1 8000
Repair Powder 300
Lightning Urn 6 700
Zweihander 6000
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword 6000
Estoc 3000
Warpick 1500
Glaive 3500
Short Bow 1000
Priest's Chime 4000
Target Shield 2500
Knight Shield 1500
Pontiff Knight Shield 3000
Knight Helm 2000
Knight Armor 3000
Knight Gauntlets 2000
Knight Leggings 3000
Assassin Hood 1500
Assassin Armor 1500
Assassin Gloves 1500
Assassin Trousers 1500
Large Arrow 50
Heavy Bolt 100
Sniper Bolt 150
After sending him to Lothric Castle (sold by Shrine Handmaid after returning with his ashes)  
Ember 6 2000
Alluring Skull 6 500
Lightning Urn 700
Splintering Bolt 280
Exploding Bolt 300



First encounter (High Wall of Lothric)

"Ahh, you're no jailer are you? No, no, you're from far away.  And judging by the bell... You must be some of that unkindled ash.  Remarkable, if that's true, then i have a favour to ask.  Below the High Wall is a musty little town.  Not the home of any lord, just a very old settlement of Undead. An old woman, Loretta, lives there.  Please give her this ring.  I- I am not asking for charity.  In fa- in fact if you do this for me... I'll be sure to repay you in kind.  I-I may be a petty thief, but I've more wits than most royalty.  What do you say, then?"

[Refuse] "Yes, well, why should you? But if you change your mind, give me a shout, eh? I-I'm only a petty thief. I've nowhere else to go. Not like there's anything calling to me out there.. heh"

[After Refusing] "Oh, what have we here? Changed your mind perhaps? You deliver the ring, and I offer my co-operation. Hardly a shabby deal, hm?"

[Grant Request] "Very well. I humbly place my faith in you.  I am Greirat of the Undead Settlement, and I promise to assist you.  Give this ring to old Loretta at the base of the High Wall.  ...Do your part, and I'll do mine."

[Attacking him] "Cold piss, what the devil is it now?  I get caught once, and now this!  One bloody time! Curse the gods!"

[You die] "As they say,  "The cornered rat will lick the balls of a cat." "

[Killing him] "(Forgive me, mother.) Forgive me, dear..."


Second encounter (Firelink Shrine)

"Oh, hello, you're back.  And in one piece. Well, now it's time I do my part.  Whatever trinket you need, speak up.  Just don't ask me where I got them."

[Talk] "Do me a favour, and don't forget our promise.  Give the [this] ring to old Loretta at the base of the High Wall.  A nuisance, I know, but it'll help me tie up some loose ends."

Give Loretta's Bone

"Heavens, she was already dead...  Thank you. I-I'm not surprised, though.  Hmm, almost a relief, really.  You can keep the ring.  As, well, a little trinket of thanks, I suppose."

[Leave] "Goodbye, and stay safe.  Oh, this place is a bore. What good is thievery if you've nowhere to go?"

[Attacking him] "You're heading for the brink aren't you?  Well I won't let you drag me down!  En guarde, you crusty ash bastard!"

[You die] "Cold piss, why did it come to this..."

[Killing him] "(Cries) I've gone and run my course, haven't I?"


Pillage (Undead Settlement)

"Ah, there you are. I was thinking...  You know I'm a petty thief.  Well, perhaps I'll go on the prowl.  Everyone's dead or hollowed away anyway, right, so...  I might as well fetch some weapons or treasure for you.  Well, what do you say?"

[Refuse] "All right, fine and well.  If that's your wish I can only obey.  But, feel free to change your mind later.  I wouldn't want to lose my touch..."

[Talk] "What is it? Have you changed your mind?  I'm ready to go thieving at a moment's notice. Just give me the word."

[Send him to pillage] "Thank you. You will not be disappointed.  Greirat the Thief was once a well-known name.  Until I ended up rotting in a cell..."

[Leave] "Good-bye. I will leave for some time. So long for now.  Do stay safe, you hear? Or my efforts will have been for naught."

[Return] "Oh, hello, you've come at a good time.  It took some prowling, but I've finally made a score.  Go on, have a gander."


Pillage (Irithyll of the Boreal Valley)

"Ahh, hello, fine work, I say.  Discovering Irithyll in the Boreal Valley, all in a day's work.  If the tales are true, it is home to old moon-worshipping nobles, and should be packed with treasure.  What do you think? Shall I go and see what I can find?

[Refuse] "All right, fine and well.  If that is your wish, I can only obey.  But, feel free to change your mind later.  I hate to leave a city of nobles ripe for the picking..."

[Talk] "What is it? Changed your mind?  I'm ready to go thieving at a moment's notice. Just give me the word."

[Send him to pillage] "Mm, a fine choice!  I am greirat, the thief. What I bring back will be worthy of that name."

[Return] "Oh, then, we are both safe and sound.  Thank the gods for that. I don't like cutting things so close.  I might've died if it wasn't for that peculiar onion knight.  But in the end, it all paid off.  Take a good look. They're sure to be of some use."


Pillage (Lothric Castle)

"You know, I was thinking...  About leaving for another round of thieving.  There must be something of use in Lothric Castle.  I-I'm aware of the danger. That castle is a death trap.  Not a single man has returned from the castle unscathed, even back in the day.  But I don't want sit around and die a petty rat.  And I consider myself your friend."

[Refuse] "Right, fine. You're very thoughtful, you are.  But, if you change your mind, do speak up.  I meant every word of what I said."

[Talk] "Changed your mind?  I hope you do. I lived a petty rat, but would rather not die as one."

[Send him to pillage] "Thank you, for placing your trust in me.  Oh, don't you worry. I know Lothric like the back of my hand."



  • Greirat is voiced by Stephane Cornicard, who also did the voice of Gavlan in Dark Souls 2.
  • The hat he is wearing is a Thrall Hood. It is said that people who wear the Thrall hood are either slaves or criminals.
  • When Patches takes residence in the Firelink Shrine he mentions that Greirat did him a good turn in Lothric Dungeon.
  • Selling him the Blue Tearstone Ring after giving him Loretta's Bone does not change his dialogue.
  • There was previously a typo in one of Greirat's dialogues. His sentence " I am Greirat of the Undead Settlement, and I promise to assist you." was previously missing a "t" in the word settlement, making it read "Setlement". This was fixed in a later patch.
  • There is a rare glitch regarding Greirat in the Firelink Shrine. Sometimes, upon warping to Firelink Shrine and walking to where Greirat is, the rug he's sitting on and the stuff around him will not be absent and then suddenly appear after a few seconds. It's unknown what causes this to happen but it's mostly likely a loading or rendering glitch.




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